Evidence Ministries - Some Presentations Available
Evidence Ministries was established about 20 years ago to help communicate to both Christians and non-Christians alike, the things that God is revealing in these days. The scripture say's in...
Ps 85:10-11
10 Mercy and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed. 11 Truth shall spring out of the earth, And righteousness shall look down from heaven
The list of topics below are some of the subjects that can be presented to any interested audience. Evidence Ministries has presented some of these subjects in countries such as Philadelphia in the USA, Thailand & Cambodia. Numerous Radio presentations have been done in the UK, and also once in the USA.
The attached three pages on Noah's Ark, Sodom & Gomorrah and The Red Sea Crossing are NOT set up to provide all the evidence that is available on these subjects, rather for encouragement. The reader can easily research on other sites dedicated to these subjects and form their own opinions.
We find it interesting that in these last days these three significant archeological discoveries have been made which all relate to God's judgement and proclomation of salvation for those who would listen and obey.