Sodom & Gomorrah
PLEASE ALLOW TIME TO DOWNLOAD BOOKLETS This booklet is the format Pastor Jim uses when preaching on this subject. PDF - Sodom Gomorrah.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [2.4 MB]
The Ten Commandments Comparison Compare the Commandments of Exodus Ch.20 and the Roman Catholic Version The Ten Commandments Comparison.pdf Adobe Acrobat document [106.6 KB]
Ever Considered the Sabbath Day? Scriptures and thoughts that should challenge those who Love the Lord, to be obedient to this 4th Commandment. PDF - Ever Considered the Sabbath Day.pd[...] Adobe Acrobat document [231.8 KB]
Spurgeon - The Perpetuity of the Law, with Grace All men everywhere should read this clear exposition. PDF - Spurgeon - Perpetuity if the Law w[...] Adobe Acrobat document [866.7 KB]
The Commandments, Daniel 7 & Sunday What does the Beast of Daniel 7 and Revelation 17 say about it's authority, and the change of God's Royal Laws? PDF - Sunday Worship and the Roman Catho[...] Adobe Acrobat document [182.1 KB]