We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God. The Word was given through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and documented to help man's understanding of God and lead us to a point of knowledge of God's plan for Salvation. We have learned that our understanding of scripture is greatly improved by studying from a Jewish perspective.
2 Tim 3:16-17 16 "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work". Which Scriptures do you think Paul was referring to, Old or New?
Evangelism is seen as the responsibility of every believer. To give an account of our faith and not be ashamed of the Gospel that brings good news of salvation to a repentant soul.
Mark 16:15-16 "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. 16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
Rom 1:16-17
'For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.
In speaking of Yeshua/Jesus, Acts 4:12
tells us 'there is no other name under heaven that is given among men by which we must be saved' .
Salvation is found in no other person other than Yeshua/Jesus. The Scripture tells us that the plan for man's Salvation was instigated from the very beginning. Through prophecy it was foretold that God himself would take the form of a man and become the sacrifice for our sins. If we repent of our sins and follow the Commands of God - in obedience to his ways - a person can gain eternal life. To reject this precious offer is to reject life. This fellowship thanks God for the gracious gift of his son, Yeshua (Jesus)
Baptism is a public display of an inward change in the heart of a believer. It is symbolic of repentance and a commitment to a new way of life. (being born again) A person who is 'born again' will naturally want to be obedient to this command. (Matt.28:19 & Mk.16:16)
The God Head
We believe in the Co-equal God Head of Father, Son & Holy Spirit. This is not an easy thing to understand yet it is clearly taught in scripture, and believed by faith.
The Commandments - Why wouldn't you want to keep them?
We believe that the 10 Commandments of God are the minimum moral obligation for a follower of Messiah. In the 'Sermon on the Mount' (Matt. ch's 5-7)
Yeshua made it clear that heaven and earth would pass away before even a dot could be removed from the Commandments.
Also, the Messiah made it clear that the reason the lukewarm don't make it into heaven is due to lawlessness (Matt.7:21-23) This may not be popular today, but it is very biblical nonetheless, and was also taught by all the major patriarchal figure's of this country.
The 10 Commandments encapsulate our love for both God and Mankind as directed in Mark 12:28-31(link with Deut 6:5 with Lev. 19:18) A person who understands about the making of a covenant/contract will realise that the 10 Commandments could never have be altered. The covenant was renewedin his blood. For further understanding please see our PDF files
for downloading.
Fruits of the Spirit
explains that following repentance of sin and Baptism, the life of the believer should change from disobedience to obedience.
In Gal.5:22
it tells us that the righteous fruit which will start to become evident in a believer, will be Love, joy, peace, longsuffering Kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
In John 15:1-17
Jesus talks plainly about the fruit that is expected from those who abide in him.
Gifts of the Spirit
We believe in the 'Gifts of the Holy Spirit'. Jesus said he would send The Holy Spirit after he had been taken up into heaven. (John 16:5-15)
The gifts are out-lined in 1 Cor. 12:4-11.Also, his sheep hear his voice, and know through the spirit whatteachings are correct or in error.Unfortunately many have hardened their hearts to even wanting correct doctrine.
With study we recognise that the original 'communion' was in relation to the annual Feast of Passover. Yeshua said 'do THIS in remembrance of me'. The cup and unleavened bread symbolically representing his blood and body.
The 'breaking of bread' as talked about Acts 2:46 is in the context of hospitality, not communion, as the greek word 'artos' is used which relates to leavened bread. Leavened bread would never
be used at Passover and is in fact symbolic of sin.
Gathering Together
We believe that gathering together is a natural and beneficial thing to do for those who claim to be follower's of Yeshua (Jesus). It is a time when vision and direction for the fellowship can be given. Encouragement and learning is shared, and not least, Worship of God. Regular gathering is a scriptural thing to do.